Product Updates Manage time like a guru

product updates

Network monitoring, security updates and more

Summer is almost over, but we're not done yet. We've upgraded dependencies and added network quality monitoring to notify you if there's a problem.

“Time Off” management is nearly here

We’ve had our heads down on one of the most eagerly anticipated scheduling features from Resource Guru in a while—“Time Off” management. And it gets better. We’re also bringing you more flexible availability settings and “Overtime”…

Powerful new filters have arrived

Lots of you have been telling us that you regularly need to focus on specific projects. So, we’ve completely re-engineered the filters in the bookings section to allow you to do that. Now you can simply select a…

Drag ’til you drop!

We’re so excited by this release that we’ve lost our normal Zen-like composure. You were all crying out for drag and drop. Well now you’ve got it – every which way :) You can now drag…